
Monday, December 10, 2012


Welcome to our home, Christmas 2012!
Just wanted to invite you in to take a peek into our home this holiday season. 
I snagged this awesome mosaic mirror reindeer for $6 after Christmas last year! Score! 
Wrapping paper this year is brown paper, white and tiffany blue (all dollar tree items)! The white and blue are a little thin so if your box has writing on it (like mine did) try making this oversize bow to disguise the writing for the little sneaky ones that may be snooping around under the tree.
 I love my new Scentcy Nativity wrap!!
 This cute little snowman ornament makes me smile! He was my ornament choice last year! This year I snagged those acrylic icicles also from the Dollar Tree, 2 for $1!
Score AGAIN!
I have had these Old Navy stockings for a while but I plan on sprucing them up for next year! Time for a re-do!

 I am very happy with my tree, but I had something with a lot more white in mind. I'll be looking for those after Christmas sales to add to my white ornament stock pile!

Little Gia says Peek-a-Boo and Merry Christmas! 
I can't wait to see your holiday home decor! Leave a link to your blog in the comments (along with your thoughts) so I can take a peek!

Thinking of Eggnog, pumpkin pie (and then doing about 100 sit-ups)...

Linked up to:
Serendipity & Spice

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


How are you enjoying your holidays so far?
Me? I am LOVIN' IT! 
This year has been such a strange one for me.  Nothing tragic happened (thankfully) and yet nothing AMAZING happened either (unfortunately). I was reflecting a few days ago on this past year and I couldn't help but feel so thankful and at peace.  In the same breath, I feel challenged to grow spiritually, and of course the normal..."go on a diet next year" thought is on the brain.  But honestly, changes were made in my heart and life this year that has been the beginning of a more balanced life.  Haven't gotten there just yet...nope...not even...but I feel like the journey there is stronger this year than last.

My challenge to you:
When you are looking back on this past year, don't merely look at whether monetary things have changed or even at the unfortunate tragedy that may have struck your family
...look deeper.
I think you may be surprised at what you can find when you chip away at the rocky moments.  You just might see something sparkle below the rocks.  Something more valuable than meets the eye. A life lesson learned that seemed insignificant or unbearable at the time.
You may stumble upon a diamond in the rough!
Thank you to my amazing friend, Chris for the wonderful family pictures! Check out her blogs,
Reaching for Freedom and Defending the Dandelion. Her story is amazing and very inspiring!!

Thinking of where else I can use twine, burlap and pine clippings,

Friday, November 30, 2012


I am loving how this photo ornament turned out!
So so so easy to make! The hardest part is deciding what you wanna "shrink"!
This is just a glimpse of my Christmas decor!
A holiday home tour is on the way, along with many other wonderful bloggers (anticipation has set in).
Back to the ornament...
It is a printable shrinking plastic that I bought at hobby lobby for 6.99 with 40% off coupon. The instructions are great and super easy peasy! I trimmed them with twine and accented with teal raffia ( gosh, I just love teal), a red pom pom and sequin.
I wanna make more!!!!
Do you like?!
*ahhhh* just loving the holidays,

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Hey Ya'll!!!!!
I know I haven't been posting tons of things the past few months and the reasons for this would probably fill up an entire post!
Lots of changes..and its been good!
Please forgive my inconsistency..A blogger's "faux pas", I know! However, the greatest change regarding my blog was realizing that this blog is about me being a real person and part of this reality is that I am a very random person. I am not totally proud of this flaw, but that's me!
Random Nelly!
Readers deserve REAL people. Isn't that the beauty of the blog world?...or at least the way that is used to be? I was trying so hard to keep up with all the big bloggers that I admire SO SO SO much and I aspire to grow in this way...they are SUPER BLOGGERS!
I. Am. Not. There. Yet.
With all of that said...On with this post!
November is the BEST month of the year for A LOT of great reasons!
Cooler weather (most of the time), Yummy fall foods, pumpkin-flavored EVERYTHING (especially pumpkin spice latte), the aroma of cinnamon and nutmeg, putting out my sugar cookie candles and
Of course, the "politically correct christian like" thing to say is, "Well, I give thanks all year long!"
Yep! I know that is what some of you may have been thinking---No judgement here folks!
And I agree! Although I have such great intentions to do this very thing (Give thanks allll yeeeaarr looonng), I fall short. A LOT. Every year.
So I enjoy the HARD FOCUS on giving thanks in November! I remember kinda feeling this way last Fall (you can read that post HERE). There's like a little nudge in my heart reminding me that all the mumbo jumbo of the year is just that...Mumbo Jumbo! I enjoy putting in perspective all the great things that God has done and how he has blessed me, my family and friends! 

Yep...I don't make the most money...but I'm thankful I have a job that works well with my life! clothes are a little tighter this year...but I am thankful I am healthy (and enjoyed all of those Mexican Restaurant work nights)!
Um, house needs A TON of TLC...but it's my house and it's a home full of laughter and love!
Mmm Hmmm...I do not have a perfect marriage...but I am STILL married going on 14 years which is a miracle in today's society! Whoop Whoop!
OK...I know my kiddos are balls of energy and a handful at times...but Golly...I love em and they love me and its AMAZING!
It's not about "settling" for what you have or where you are in's about recognizing that where you are and what you have is a blessing and there is ALWAYS a silver lining!

So  yeah, if you are up for it...I will be posting my pics representing things that I am thankful for...whether big or small... on my blog and over on Facebook and Instagram!
Wanna join me?


I am so excited to show y'all my Thrifty DIY Mom-Daughter Rag Doll costumes!! I googled and googled and prowled all over pinterest for cute ideas and stumbled upon ( no, not the website...actually stumbled.upon.) the cutest inspiration from A Beautiful Mess which featured an ADORABLE Rag Doll creation by SkunkBoy! This was the launching pad inspiration for our costume!
The cost:
Shirt-Free-In my closet
Dress-5.99 Goodwill (Only bought something wearable again)
White sash-Free-Old flower girl dress
Long candy stripe tights-5.00-Party City
Wig-5.00-DIY No-Sew (I'll tell you how I made it below)
Dress-Free-old dance recital costume
Purple Tights-3.00 at Walmart
Socks-3.00 at Walmart
Apron-Free-Used an old shirt that was too small and cut the top off below the sleeves and added a piece of ribbon long enough to tie in the back and hot glued it along the cut edge

Grand Total-$24.50 for both---Not SUPER DEE DUPER DEE cheap---But for an entire get up like that and for TWO costumes, I'd say pretty Darn good!

OK so now for the yarn wig "deets"!
My sewing machine has been broken for a while so it was gonna have to be a
I looked...and looked some more for an easy no-sew way to make a yarn wig.  Most of the options I found involved sewing in some way...
...and then.
the ONE!
Yes, I found an easy no-sew way to make the wig HERE using:
  •  A crochet or Knit hat in the same color as yarn for the hair and
  • A crochet needle
  • Yarn
I was one happy DIY-er when I found this!

1. I wrapped the yarn around a pillow 20-30 times then gathered the center end of the opposite starting side and tied it with a 5 inch piece of yarn---REPEAT 11 TIMES
2- Using the crochet needle, poke through from the inside of the hat grabbing the yarn and pulling through the smaller piece of yarn used to tie the bundle together. Do this with both pieces and tie them on the inside of the hat securing it to the hat.
There is no point in trying to reinvent the wheel! :))
3-You can add bangs doing the same process.  I used a DVD case instead of a pillow to make my bundles.

I know I don't have tons of great pictures or details, but use the blog that I used and you will be happy with the outcome! I used a crochet hat for my daughters and a knit hat for mine.  The crochet was easier but they both worked out!

I love how the costumes turned out! We all had a blast at our Halloween Alternative Family Event at our church!!
And now...on to the HOLIDAYS!!

Dreaming of Thanksgiving and the smell of a fresh cut Christmas tree,

Monday, October 1, 2012






Monday, September 17, 2012


Well, I don't own a literal pet store, but honestly, it feels like it sometimes. I posted this on facebook the other day...

"1 fat tailed gecko 2 little children 3 loving doggies 9 baby puppies
---all I I need is a partridge in a pear tree....well I do have a peach tree in the backyard.... Haha"
OK so the children aren't "pets" but the rest of them ARE! As of now, I have twelve dogs in my house!
My sweet little Havaneese got frisky with my shi-poo and made 10 pups!

One passed away
But 9 remain and they are the cutest little things!
this little baby-making Shi-poo is up for SALE...Can't be having all that fornication in the house!
(That's not the ONLY reason we are selling him...having two long hair doggies is a bit of a chore and can take a toll on the budget)
My son wanted a gecko for his birthday so we found a great deal on a African Fat-Tailed Gecko
This is "Lizzy"! So Creative, huh?!
And well, it was all good until my 6 year old pretended that the gecko was a baby doll and carried it around in a baby carrier! Well, "Lizzy" the gecko didn't appreciate this AT ALL and nipped her finger. 

I think it was more scary than painful, but there WAS a little blood. Needless to say, the gecko is now "FOR SALE" too.
I love animals, but SHEESH! This is an animal MAD HOUSE! Doing any fall decorating or DIY-ing seems impossible with this reptile and canine takeover!
I haven't lost hope though! I am stoked to share with you one of the most amazing birthday presents that I could have ever gotten inspired by a table made by Domestic Imperfection
---YEP---I just a had a birthday: The big 33! 
A dear friend of mine and her hubby are having a 7 foot farm style table made just for MEEEEE! It'll be arriving soon and I will share all of the "deets", I PROMISE!
TTYL!! (by the way---I really really really miss all my bloggy buds)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


7 years ago (to the day) Hurricane Katrina slammed the coast of Louisiana devastating New Orleans and many South Eastern Louisiana Parishes. It is still so real to so many people not only from Louisiana but all over the nation.  So much tragedy and loss.
We opened a shelter at our church and I can still envision the people driving in by the lost, so confused. What a terrible life changing event for thousands!
I will never forget it.

And then there was Isaac. 
As of now, he is just a category 1 hurricane. 
Louisiana folks don't usually "flinch" by a category one least...that's how it used to be.
Seems like since Hurricane Katrina, storm threats are not taken so lightly (which they never should be).  Honestly, I think there is more to the story as to why New Orleans was so devastated and it is not just because of the hurricane strength. The levys should have been better prepared and maintained in the even of the threat of any major storm...
But that's just MY opinion. Hey, I could be wrong...but who knows...

On a lighter note, I know that some of my wonderful readers are not from the good ole south, so let me paint a picture of how Louisianians view a Hurricane. Don't get me wrong, we prepare and by no means, is a hurricane funny business...but leave to Cajun Country to make a party out of a storm.  There are so many funny rituals that families do during a hurricane. For my family, I remember camping out in the hallway as a child with mattresses and a can of Vienna Sausage. Sounds kinda terrible, but it really wasn't. It may seem strange, but I guess it is just a way to make the best out of what could be a tragic situation...kinda gets your mind off of the fact that you or something you own just might get blown away by 100 mph winds!!
These are some pics I have seen floating around facebook. 

If you know the source of any of these photos let me know and I will certainly give credit!


Do you have any hurricane stories?
Were you or someone you know affected by Hurricane Katrina?
Do share (If you'd like)
Say a little prayer for the South...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


( pics)
I am slightly humiliated.
This picture was actually after we removed about 40% of the stuff off the floor. The floor was M.I.A. for months!
Oh the SHAME!
Then we moved it all into the bedroom...WOWZER! Reality set in at this point...
" have a problem....a closet mayhem problem!!"
Seriously...I can't really remember having an organized closet...ever!
My life was never "relaxed" enough to get it to that point!
Well, I have decided that it is about time to focus on my home, you know, a HOME... that place that we pay a BIG mortgage for in order to spend about 12-15 hours a day in which is about half of our lives?!?!  
YEAH...THAT place!
 The biggest problem that I had with my closet (AMONG QUITE A FEW PROBLEMS) was organizing my crafts! I REFUSE to get rid of them! I will (eventually) make something with that left over silk flower from a bridal bouquet I made for a friend 3 years ago or that white pom pom trim from my daughter's crib bedding (she is six now)!
Yep...waste not, want not!
I had to (very hesitantly) ask my organization (intervenor) and DIY partner in crime, Sarah, "Am I a hoarder?!?!"
She gently let me know, that is not the case!
Phew!! Thank the Lord!!
There IS hope!
So, with ZERO moolah...I had to work with what I had to organize all that crafting crap stuff I have accumulated.
I bought a bunch of plastic shoe boxes for like $1 with the intention of putting my shoes in them...well, OBVIOUSLY, that didn't happen.  So, they became my new craft organization plan!
Then I needed labels.
I WILL be locating chalkboard labels (or dry erase) when the budget allows, but til then, clear packaging tape and a sharpie will do!
I am totally NOT DONE with this closet! This will go from Closet Mayhem to Closet FABULOUS...You just wait and see!
It will take some time and patience...but I am determined!!!!!
I have some other cool organization ideas that I implemented that I will share soon!
Stay tuned!
(Now I just have to located my husband's new work belt that seems to have disappeared during my quest to organize...ummm. whoops.)
Mucho Love,