
Friday, December 20, 2013


Seasons Greetings!
I wanted to share our family Christmas card with you guys! We went rustic this year! Really really happy with it!
(This card is edited. I printed 50 cards and mispelled "Comfort" with "Confort"-Oh well. At least blogland will see it corrected)

I considered having a back to the card, but that didn't happen! Boo! But if I would've have a back, it would've been this! 
My kids are seriously goofy! No clue where that came from?!
Not to get all serious on ya, but as always, it's that time of year when people start reflecting on the past year and dreaming up the great things in store for next year.
Well, I gotta say...I'm kinda feeling...well...meh!
Don't get me wrong, this was a great year...
 I lost 30 lbs by exercising and eating right (gonna have to peel off a few of these holiday pounds after the holidays, but that yummy cornbread dressing and loads of chocolate is WORTH IT!
We were able to get a few...very few...things started in repairing our much as funds would allow. But I am SO HAPPY that we won't fall through the bathroom floor now! Yippeee! And maybe we can get another goldfish and it won't freeze to death since the heater is working again
(True story---Our fish froze to death while we were on vacay one year-The house was THAT COLD)
I have a great family with precious kids and a devoted hubby!
With today's economy, we are simply blessed to be employed and have a home! PERIOD!
I can go on and on about stuff like that and I am TRULY GRATEFUL, but I can't help it, I just feel...blah!
It's hard to explain why! It's weird! I'm weird, I know!
I guess, there are just some things that didn't pan out like I would've hoped. Being in this place is good for me. I am usually pretty optimistic and happy-go-lucky (which I don't plan on ever changing), but from time to time, I tap into reality! haha! I'm not gonna get all into detail about that stuff, it won't make my point come across any stronger, therefore it's just unnecessary. But I am SO SO SO happy about realizing that life isn't about all of your dreams coming true. It is about understanding that people change. Dreams change. ...and even though disappointment hurts, anticipation for the NEW dream that God places on your heart will be greater and more fulfilling than before.
But all in all, I AM READY FOR A GREAT 2014!
I am hoping for the following:
Making more quiet time for prayer and devotion.
More time making music---not for anyone else---just making music! Gotta get back on the piano and improve those skills.
More work on the house, duh!
Maybe renewing my wedding vows for my 15th anniversary! Could be fun, huh?!
Peace, Love and Joy in my home.
Just simple.
Merry Christmas everyone and I hope and pray your new year is full of dreaming, whether they are old dreams or fresh and brand new!

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