
Monday, April 30, 2012


Well...Two posts in one day!!  WOW!
I just wanted to share what the outcome was from my Lamp Shade FAIL (READ ABOUT IT HERE). I was stumped as to how to recover from the outcome! NAH...I'm just kidding...I knew some kind of idea would pop it's little head up and say...HELLO!!!??
So I used the scarf that was I going to cover the whole shade with and made little 
Fringy Flowers.

This is the scarf...Or WAS THE SCARF! Muahahahah! 
Now, please forgive me about not having a "TooT" on making these little guys, but as you read about my weekend run-down (CHECK IT OUT HERE), my phone is M.I.A. therefore, all the pictures that I took to show you how I made these, are ALSO M.I.A. 
All I did was use the fringy side of the scarf and cut it about 3-4 inches above the fringe.
Then, I glued it as I rolled it.
Lastly, I opened it all up to make the flower. 
I actually used straight pins to pin it to the shade, just in case I might want to change it later! 
I am all about repurposing!
I KNOW these instructions are very vague without the pictures...As I said in my weekend run-down, I am still in mourning about losing my baby (yes, I called my phone "my baby")! Thankfully, I was able to contact my crafter in crime, Sarah, who I had sent a few pics to, and had her send them back to me!
I am just happy to have spruced up that shade with some PIZAZZ!
YOU LIKEY? I know it's "different"...but I am digging it!

Let me know your thoughts! I am thinking I might add some trim, like with ribbon or something, to the top and bottom...Or my fave...BLING!
Should I?


The DIY Dreamer


52 Mantelsshabby creek cottageHookingupwithHoHPhotobucket

TDC Before and After


WHOA! WHAT A WEEKEND! I have been on an emotional roller-coaster..BIG TIME! 
Here's the rundown...

  • The whole family was in a wedding..YES, I said WHOLE...We survived...barely...The things we do for the ones we love..
  • I LOST Someone obviously STOLE my new iPhone! I am literally in mourning right now!
  • I was and still am sick with a horrible sinus thing!
  • Me and my son, while in our wedding attire (his being rented), stepped in a mud pit while leaving the wedding at 10:30 at night!
  • OH, and the highlight...the dress that I had altered for the wedding, was all "jacked" up so the morning of the wedding I was shopping for a new one!

Oh what a weekend...but now onto MARVEL-US MONDAY!
What is Marvel-us Monday, you might ask? Well then...I shall tell you!
It is the day that I will share my round up of how fellow inspiring bloggsters have inspired me within the past week.
EVENTUALLY, it will be a 
Power Packed 
Off the "Chi-zain"
...BUT, for now, I am still a newbster and working on educating myself on all that good stuff!
I have been searching pinterest and the web for birthday inspiration for my little one who is turning 6 this weekend! I was so excited to see the loads of ideas on Rainbow Parties! 
These were some of my faves!

These pancakes from Flavela look so fun! There isn't really any "Tut" on how to make them, but I figure it's a no-brainer...Just add food coloring to the batter, I assume! YUM!
Over at beneath the rowan tree, is a great idea on using sharpies to make tie-dye t-shirts! Super cute idea!  I can't wait to try this one!
I'm torn between the tie-die die idea or this cool idea from Alpha Mom using Sandpaper as an iron on transfer! ARE YOU SERIOUS? GENIUS!
I love this rainbow party favor idea from Our Best Bites! Super cute!!
I don't know about ya'll, but 
The ideas are endless and shared with the world!
Just remember to give a shout out the idea holders! 
Much Love to Ya'll!

Now, I'm off to take more meds and figure out a plan for getting a new phone!
I sure do wish I could "craft" one up...BUMMER!

                                                                      A Bowl Full of Lemons

Friday, April 27, 2012


THIS IS SO TRUE....and CERTAINLY so with my Lil Fam! 
We can certainly have some NUTTY times! 

Meet the Crew...


I have no apologies for our goofiness...honestly it is one of my FAVORITE things about my family!  WE CAN BE DOWN RIGHT CUH-RAZY!!
and I love it! 
We put the "GOOF" in goofballs! 
It's so great!
The one thing that my kids will FREAK out over is a 
good ole...
down home...
super duper fun...
Straight up, they love knowing that it's a time when the whole family is focused on doing the same thing, all at the same time....something that happens quite less than often.
It warms my heart seeing this desire in their eyes! I PRAY that it remains for a 
long, long, long time...
(those of you with teenagers are probably nodding your heads right about now thinking 
"Yep, Pray!)
Yeah, I am not oblivious that their desire for family time will most likely fade as they get older, but until then, I am feeling challenged to not only build my time with the family in quantity
I found these three great ideas for Family Night Fun on Pinterest!

This idea is basically a time set aside once a week and including a life lesson, spiritual message, song, prayer time, fun game and activity and yummy refreshments!
 The Real Housewives of Riverton

This idea was so awesome, because she used the lesson of "Confidence" and called them "Confidence Cookies".  Check out her post to get the details!
You can usually gain ANY kid's attention when cookies are involved!

HOW FUN IS THAT?! I am all about themes....
Especially when it involves kid stuff because the sky is the limit 
when it comes to cool creative ideas!

Some themes could be:
  • Night at the Drive-In: Rent a projector and put up a sheet outside and sit in the car and watch the movie...of course with lots of popcorn. 
  • Dance Party: Hook up that Kinnect or Wii and "Just Dance"! We have so much fun with this one!
  • UNO Tournament: This game is suitable for nearly all school ages.  Use skittles or M&M's as the Jackpot to make it interesting.
  • Space Night:  2 Teaching Mommies has some cool fun space-y food ideas. You could end the night laying out in the yard star gazing! (This is one that we will be doing soon...for sure!)

Lets build on a firm foundation while making some AMAZING memories at the same time!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


What is it about life that steals away our ability to be thankful? 
Am I crazy, or does it get harder and harder sometimes to look past the obstacles
and constant road blocks that interfere with what we believe is the best plan for our lives? I know personally, in my family, this has been an obstacle! Financial struggles, physical
issues, employment roadblocks, loss of loved ones...just to name a few,
 have visited us within the past 5 years!
Yesterday morning, while encouraging a friend, I realized that the one thing that I am the most thankful for lately is 
...even when it is hard, when it's uncomfortable and when it is inconvenient!
Feeling like we have been "dealt a bad hand in life" is normal, 
but believing that it can or will never change is only setting this situation in stone. 
 We must always have HOPE!
The man upstairs, you know
He knows all things past, present and future and he knows what our future holds and yes, not all of our futures will have our 
names in lights, 
pockets overflowing with money, 
or even a life of complete health, 
but greatness isn't about the things that we have here on Earth. Greatness is about the legacy you leave behind when you have left this Earth!
I was moved with this thought...
Even Jesus expressed hope... 
...even in his last hour! He prayed "Lord, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me!"
I mean, really, we know that Jesus knew it wasn't possible and he had embraced his fate, but he demonstrated an example for the world in that simple prayer...
It wasn't a happy ending to his prayer. As we all know, he died, and it was brutal, but his purpose was far reaching than a momentary unanswered prayer. 
What if God the Father had answered Jesus' prayer?

That would not be a good ending for us.

When we have expressed hope and then lost it because things didn't change, examine yourself and ask God to show you what you might need to change. That's what I do! Let's face it peeps, we all need some work, eh? 
Embrace HIS will for your life...whatever that purpose is...with peace of mind and contentment...
BUT ALWAYS BE FILLED WITH HOPE, even until the end!

Praise the LORD,
for he has shown me the wonders of his unfailing love.
He kept me safe when my city was under attack. In panic I cried out,
“I am cut off from the LORD!”
But you heard my cry for mercy
and answered my call for help.
Psalms 31.21-22 (NLT)

My thankful thoughts;)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I bought this Lamp and lampshade from Goodwill for a few buckaroos.
The plan was to:
1. Paint the base, and
2. Recover the shade!
Doesn't seem like a difficult task at hand...or so I thought!

The hunt for Krylon Mirror-like paint was a looooong drawn out process! I went EVERYWHERE! I wasn't settling for anything else because I wanted to try this technique that I saw on Pinterest that would give it a mercury glass effect! So, I FINALLY found ONE can...8 BUCKS! Goodness!!! Not what I wanted to was bought...
Oh yeah, and the mercury glass effect...
Looked more like rain spots! UGH! Oh well...moving on!

This PROBLEM lamp is living on my bathroom counter for now because of the "dungeon-like" lack of light!  Well, the lampshade, as is, kinda diffuses the light and really doesn't let much light through. Because of this "problem", I figured that I couldn't recover the shade because then it would be even darker.
So....I had a thought...that led to action...that led to

My thought:
Use a sheer fabric around the shade's wire form! I found the PERFECT sheer summer scarf!
Yes!  That would be a perfect solution! Sheer fabric would let lots of light through!
So I started to cut...
...and cut....
and cut!
This is what I had left!
YIKES! I didn't think that it was two separate pieces.  After trying to figure out a way to make this work without actually buying more supplies which would make the cost of this lampshade more than simply buying a new on...

I surrendered!

I bought a new shade for $4 at Wal-Mart!
The lamp is much better now, despite the journey to get it there...

I still want to do something cool with this little lampshade!
I'd love some feedback!
What should I do with it to make it less "plain"...
Leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you!


Monday, April 23, 2012


HAPPY MONDAY BE-YOU-TIFUL PEOPLE!  I am so thrilled to start the week off with this post! 
I recently had an epiphany...
Simplify Life!
I am working hard to organize not only my home, but my LIFE! It is amazing what you can accomplish with a little bit of organizational planning!
So, like many fellow bloggers, I am deciding on themes for my daily blog posts.
I CANNOT WAIT til I can get "schooled" on throwing a Link-Up Party!  I am a NEWBIE so I have tons to learn and don't really know when is a good time to actually throw a link-up party,
BUT, I will one day!
So til then...


I will feature a favorite craft...or two...or three...or TEN that has "marveled" me and share it with ya'll!
TODAY...It's just one but not because I wasn't FLOORED but all of the stuff in blogland...

SO, anywho...
I just came across this project over at the Newbie Party over at Debbie Doo's!!


My Suburban Life created this!!

She was inspired by this adorable display by Crap I've Made!

I am PUMPED to be growing as a blogger and THRILLED to meet so many cool people!! Seriously, I am LOVIN' IT!

Whatcha think about this display??
When is a good time to start a Link-Up Party?
Please feel free to share your advise! I am hungry blog-learner...feed me!