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Tuesday, August 28, 2012


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7 years ago (to the day) Hurricane Katrina slammed the coast of Louisiana devastating New Orleans and many South Eastern Louisiana Parishes. It is still so real to so many people not only from Louisiana but all over the nation.  So much tragedy and loss.
We opened a shelter at our church and I can still envision the people driving in by the hour...so lost, so confused. What a terrible life changing event for thousands!
I will never forget it.

And then there was Isaac. 
As of now, he is just a category 1 hurricane. 
Louisiana folks don't usually "flinch" by a category one hurricane...at least...that's how it used to be.
Seems like since Hurricane Katrina, storm threats are not taken so lightly (which they never should be).  Honestly, I think there is more to the story as to why New Orleans was so devastated and it is not just because of the hurricane strength. The levys should have been better prepared and maintained in the even of the threat of any major storm...
But that's just MY opinion. Hey, I could be wrong...but who knows...

On a lighter note, I know that some of my wonderful readers are not from the good ole south, so let me paint a picture of how Louisianians view a Hurricane. Don't get me wrong, we prepare and by no means, is a hurricane funny business...but leave to Cajun Country to make a party out of a storm.  There are so many funny rituals that families do during a hurricane. For my family, I remember camping out in the hallway as a child with mattresses and a can of Vienna Sausage. Sounds kinda terrible, but it really wasn't. It may seem strange, but I guess it is just a way to make the best out of what could be a tragic situation...kinda gets your mind off of the fact that you or something you own just might get blown away by 100 mph winds!!
These are some pics I have seen floating around facebook. 

If you know the source of any of these photos let me know and I will certainly give credit!


Do you have any hurricane stories?
Were you or someone you know affected by Hurricane Katrina?
Do share (If you'd like)
Say a little prayer for the South...

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